Carl White & Chris Johnstone Present

Carl White & Chris
Johnstone Present

How To Use Simple A.I. Mortgage Marketing Bots To Immediately Generate High Quality Leads & Deals

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During this free 1 hour A.I. Masterclass you are going to discover:

  • How to get  A.I. to have conversations with your Database and create 12 X the opportunities while you work less!

  • How to have an A.I. Bot that uses our 6 new value offers to automatically have conversations with THOUSANDS of qualified real estate referral partners and automatically fill your calendar with appointments that show up!

  • How to instantly skyrocket your conversion on your inbound calls and leads with an A.I. Mortgage Lead Conversion Bot.  Never chase a lead or make another cold call to a lead again!

This knowledge is your key to the future of the mortgage industry.  A.I. is taking over and this is your opportunity to be at the forefront.

Transform Your Loan Closing Game

Discover A.I. Secrets in Our Exclusive Video Training

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