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Become an A.I. Powered Mortgage Professional

Join The A.I. Inner Circle

The #1 A.I. Mortgage Mastermind in the Mortgage Industry Combined with the Mortgage Marketing Animals

  • 12-week A.I. Inner Circle Masterclass with Chris Johnstone

    Learn the A.I. tools that make money in the mortgage industry. Eliminate shinny object syndrome and overwhelm by having us deliver to you A.I. tools that work for the mortgage industry. Each session has a lively Q&A and we share one fundamental A.I. skill per week to help you drive more deals right now.

  • Weekly A.I. Inner Circle Mastermind Sessions

    Carl White and Chris Johnstone work with you to keep your momentum going, give you what’s working now and keep you bringing in new deals consistently.

  • Daily Office Hours Calls

    Help when you need it. You are getting help building your CRM campaigns and automations, organizing your contacts, setting up your social planner, building landing pages, running your ad funnels, launching ad campaigns, integrating your calendar and smart booking links.

  • Access to our entire network of top loan officers and their secrets to success

    We build communities that believe in abundance for all. With your investment today you get shoulder to shoulder inside our groups to share, learn from and network with some of the top mortgage professionals in the world. (Priceless)

  • Full Access to the Mortgage Marketing Animals Membership

    Network with and learn the secrets of top producing mortgage professionals. Get access to their scripts, daily success plan, and proven coaching.

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Become an A.I. Powered Mortgage Professional

Join The A.I. Inner Circle

Join our A.I. Inner Circle now and unlock proven strategies, weekly masterminds, daily support, and exclusive bonuses that can redefine your success in the mortgage industry.

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